

Already as a child, my favourite place to pass the time was in the crowns of the ancient trees standing in the Weitwörth palace grounds. When my family moved to the metropolis of Vienna, I was fortunate enough to be a child gardeners´ apprentice to my old Aunt Agathe, working in the park of the Schönburg Palace. Due to her old age, she suffered from a walking disability and was forced to work on her knees. Of course, I did the same. On the one hand this created a special closeness to the Earth. And at the same time, her love of plants was transferred to me in an informative manner.

As my first daughter was born when I was only 21, her mother and I decided to move to the countryside in order to allow her a childhood in close touch with nature.

A year before this, I had gotten to know the recluse and organic farming pioneer Fritz Vogler. All on his own, he had explored various alternative lifestyles and was an exemplary conservationist. Close nearby, we found a small cottage, where we lived during our first two years in Carinthia. After that, we leased a small Carinthian mountain farm and cultivated an area of 5 hectares based on organic principles.

When we teamed up with a few friends to create a Waldorf School in Klagenfurt for our two daughters, I came in touch with the biological-dynamic cultivation methods based on Rudolf Steiner´s principles.
What resounded with me in particular were Rudolf Steiner´s suggestions in his “Agricultural Course” from 1924, that the miniature living creatures, as he called the microorganisms at the time, were responsible for fertile soil and thus for healthy plants. Despite the fact that the electron microscope was yet to be invented, he claimed that a handful of healthy soil contained as many of these miniature living creatures as there were humans on Earth.

It was this insight which many years later should guide my calling to become a compost researcher. I felt so connected with this knowledge, that deep inside of me I sensed the urge to explore these miniature living creatures, which from now on I will refer to as microorganisms, and their activities. I tried to investigate their ideal living conditions.

From Siegfried Lübke, I learned about the insights which Ehrenfried Pfeiffer, one of Rudolf Steiner´s students, had gained. His intention was to mechanically convert biogenic waste from urban and rural areas into high-quality nutrients for soils and plants. This is achieved by means of a controlled, microbial decomposition process, as only the microorganisms themselves are capable of transforming even environmentally hazardous toxins and germs, so that in the final result remnants can no longer be detected by chemical methods.

In addition to this, a field survey, which I conducted together with Siegfried Lübke, was crucial for my insight that healthy soil brings forth healthy plants. At the time, we were standing in front of two adjacent potato fields − one of them with brown leaves and filled with potato beetles, the other one with green leaves, with only an occasional beetle visible. The healthy field had undergone a multi-year soil development process in accordance with Lübke´s method.

It was at this time that I came up with the idea, that it should be possible to further improve the agriculturally optimal quality by means of certain composting methods.

During the following year, I got to know the compost researcher and ecologist Dr. Gernot Graefe (Vienna University of Technology, Austrian Academy of Sciences), who was conducting composting experiments with grape marc. In addition to this, he had begun researching chaos structures in bodies of water in the wake of the nuclear accident at Chernobyl: “If the cells of living beings are bombarded with frequencies, which are unnatural for their life system, they react with stress and dysfunction. This leads to disease and the disintegration of healthy, natural life structures. This is reflected at the personal level, as well as in the greater structure of human coexistence, in the own body, in relationships, in living areas, in the garden, in agriculture and in the climate.“
He had an open ear for my ideas of creating compost of highest quality, and over the course of one year I presented him with my results, which I had achieved based on my insights at the time and which prompted him to collaborate with me until his death in 1994.

The most important insights gained during this time were that water carries information and that the result of my composting process was a wide-ranging natural high homeopathic potency.

In 2003, I discovered EM, Dr. Teruo Higa´s effective microorganisms. At first, I was under the impression that the anaerobic composting method was a contradiction to the aerobe process, but when I met Ms. Ulrike Hader, the owner of Multikraft Corporation, she supported me in the belief that both systems can cooperate optimally. Since then, I have been working in this direction with very satisfactory results.

In the meanwhile, I made a living as a tree surgeon.

After a total of 21 years of research and experimentation, I finally managed to produce evidence, in collaboration with the IBBU, the Institute for Biosensors and Bioenergetic Environmental Research, which at the time was a branch of the Ludwig Bolzmann Institute, that the compost sample under investigation contained a broad spectrum of bioinformation, which shows a noticeable effect on the human immune system. The IBBU´s Scientific Director, DI Dr. Noemi Kempe, had already pointed out to me during our first meeting in 2001, that the greatest environmental stress to the human body and to living beings in general was electromagnetic pollution.

In addition to this, it was possible to determine that plants, which are informed with this material, develop the capability of neutralizing electromagnetic fields, so that their harming effect on plants, animals and humans in the closer surroundings is reduced considerably or even eliminated completely.
Only now, after these welcome results have been verified, have I started selling this special compost, in order to make a positive contribution to the current living conditions of humans, animals and plants.